A Case for True Love

There is a myth going around that says that a relationship requires effort and work if it is to succeed. This could not be further from the truth. I know. This assumes that you have to actually believe in fairy tale concepts like true love. It’s not very fashionable to think like this, so the more pragmatic among us, which […]

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In Defense of Monogamy

Here’s a crazy idea: there is no such thing as casual sex. Here’s another crazy idea: it’s a psychological construct designed by those who don’t want to experience any moral dissonance about having sex with people outside of a relationship. And just in case you’d like another shocker: you can’t fool hormones. They’re on the side of the monogamists. Perhaps […]

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A Cracked Idea

There is an amazing article written by a comedian for, unexpectedly enough, a comedy site. It’s a list of 7 reasons why news stories look worse than it really is. It’s a fascinating read that goes into the many psychological and logical fallacies us humans go through by nature that darkens our view of the world an generally makes us […]

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The voice within

Guilt is a very universal feeling, and perhaps one of the most toxic of them all, in my experience. It destroys any creative or positive thought, it stagnates the mind. How many people have ended up making important life choices under its influence? How many years lost in a wrong class, a wrong career, or a wrong relationship? Acceptance and […]

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You are not a Romanian. Neither are you Canadian, a European, an American, Indian or Asian, or any other. You are human, just like the rest of us. Your ancestors and predecessors and mine believed that they were Romanian and Canadian and Russian. They believed that they had roots, and those roots are worth being proud of. They’re worth valuing […]

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There is no future in politics

It is a world of old ideas, not because the ideas are relevant, but because the ideas are stuck in a constant never-ending debate because it’s going in circle and because it is fueled by power, not principles. Every issue that has ever been discussed or debated has never seen the light of reconciliation. The people have made their minds […]

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